How Enceladus Got Its Stripes - Astrobiology Magazine
Dec 9, 2019 · Saturn’s icy moon Enceladus is of great interest to scientists due to its subsurface ocean, making it a prime target for those searching for life elsewhere. New research led by Carnegie’s Doug Hemingway reveals the physics governing the fissures through which oceanwater erupts from the moon’s icy surface, giving its south pole an unusual ...
Astronomers discover the giant that shaped the early days of our …
Nov 1, 2018 · The stars from this partner, named Gaia-Enceladus, make up most of the Milky Way’s halo and also shaped its thick disk, giving it its inflated form. A description of this mega-merger, discovered by an international team led by University of Groningen astronomer Amina Helmi, is now published in the scientific journal Nature.
Curtains of Fire: Peering into Io’s volcanic Laboratory
Aug 6, 2014 · A-C are images captured by the W. M. Keck Observatory’s 10-meter Keck II telescope. They show Io at different infrared wavelengths on Aug. 15, 2013 (A-C).
Bacteria Preserve Fossils - Astrobiology Magazine
Nov 26, 2008 · The activity of bacteria has often been viewed as detrimental to fossils. Now, researchers have found that bacterial biofilms may help preserve fossils of embryos and soft tissues. Such fossils are incredibly valuable in studying the evolution of life.
How Titan's Haze Help Us Understand Life's Origins
Aug 25, 2014 · How tholins form in the upper atmosphere of Saturn’s moon Titan. Credit: Southwest Research Institute
Breathing Through the Eyes - Astrobiology Magazine
Jun 24, 2011 · Say what you will about bird brains, but our feathered friends sure have us — and all the other animals on the planet — beat in the vision department, and that has a bit to do with how their brains develop.
Why is Greenland covered in ice? - Astrobiology Magazine
Jan 5, 2015 · Watkins Mountains in southern East Greenland, with Greenland’s highest peak, Gunbjörn Fjeld (3.7 km above sea level) in the background.
Coral and Algae Partner for Sun Protection
Sep 3, 2011 · Researchers at King´s College London have discovered how coral produces natural sunscreen compounds to protect itself from damaging UV rays, leading scientists to believe these compounds could form the basis of a new type of sunscreen for humans.
Living Large in a Lava Tube - Astrobiology Magazine
Nov 16, 2004 · While the current generation of Mars missions seek out the planet's water history, another line of evidence is also required for life: heat. Active surface volcanoes may not currently exist on Mars, but the red planet has a colorful volcanic past and some enormous lava tubes that may bring polar ice to a liquid bubble.
Hacking the Planet? - Astrobiology Magazine
Dec 21, 2013 · Hacking the Earth’s climate to counteract global warming – a subject that elicits strong reactions from both sides – is the topic of a December special issue of the journal Climatic Change.