The programme caters to all levels, from beginners to competitive players, ensuring a fun, supportive and inspiring ...
A special celebration event organised by Worcestershire County Councils fostering team saw 250 fostering families come ...
See what our readers have to say about our Town in this weeks Redditch and Alcester Standard letters to the editor.
Over a dozen local agencies have joined forces to create the new weekly and monthly advice sessions at the Old Needle Works.
Coun Aled Luckman is also using his marathon training to promote the ‘Healthy Worcestershire’ scheme which offers free ...
The town was named a national winner of Britain in Bloom in 1998 and has been Heart of England regional winners seven times.
THE FUNERAL of Redditch man Marcus Meade who was shot by police on Christmas Eve will take place this Thursday in Lozells in ...
It is a smart piece of theatre covering in tandem a Cupid’s arrow tale amidst 27 years of Labour Party history.
The council collects the taxes on behalf of the county the Police and Crime Commissioner, Fire and Rescue Service and parish ...
This year, collections will be held across Worcestershire including collections at Morrisons supermarkets from February 24 to ...
The improvements found in children and young people’s services means their overall rating has moved up from requires ...
Older people at Cherry Trees celebrated the day of love by sharing their years of wisdom for a healthy relationship.