The Greenland Ice Sheet is cracking open more rapidly as it responds to climate change. Dr Tom Chudley, in our Department of ...
Congregation ceremonies are held in Durham Cathedral, but are not religious events although Christian iconography is displayed inside the venue. The Cathedral provides a large and beautiful venue for ...
Please advise of any special requirements for yourself and your guests when registering for the ceremony. You and your guests can also contact the Ceremonies Unit directly to discuss any special ...
Ede & Ravenscroft Photography will be located in the Teaching and Learning Centre to take images of graduands and guests either before or after ceremonies. Graduands must, however, report to the Great ...
The discovery of Inkathazo is part of a larger effort to explore the southern sky, an area relatively unstudied for giant radio galaxies. It is the third GRG found in a small region, suggesting that ...
This National Astronomy Week, we celebrate all their fascinating work in space research. Our Centre for Extragalactic Astronomy (CEA) is a hub for researchers looking into the formation and evolution ...
I am thrilled to be Co-Chair of the Durham Technical Profressionals Committee at Durham University, as this aligns so clearly with my ambition as Research Culture lead to ensure we focus on improving ...
Guests with tickets, will be directed from Palace Green to the Galilee Chapel entrance of the Cathedral, approximately 45 minutes before the ceremony start time. Guests wishing to sit together, should ...
Ceremonies are streamed and recorded in order to give those who are not able to attend in person the opportunity to view the event without being present on the day. It also gives graduates the ...