Once citrus finds a spot that it likes, then it thrives. Oranges and mandarins sometimes need a favourable microclimate to ...
Council says it appreciates the strong feeling about the decision to cut down the much-loved trees but it has a legal duty to ...
Campaigners against the felling of three mature Lime trees on a Falmouth residential street say they will be holding a “funeral” for them the day before they are due to get the chop.
Southampton City Council is currently reviewing several tree preservation applications, with proposals ranging from crown ...
A few weeks ago, you published my letter bemoaning the loss of the huge beech tree on the North West corner of Oram's Arbour, but the retention ...
An ambitious project at the National Trust’s Dunstable Downs is underway to plant 15,000 trees, creating 11.5 hectares (27 ...
A creek called Minebank Run flows through it to meet Big Gunpowder Falls just downstream of Loch Raven Dam. Five miles of ...
Any comments should be sent to the Planning Office, Beech Hurst, Weyhill Road, Andover, SP10 3AJ or e-mail to: [email protected] ...
Permission has been sought for tree works, extensions, and alterations across Huntingdonshire this week. The following plans have been submitted to Huntingdon District Council for the week of 6th ...
The grounds team at Lilleshall recently welcomed a group of pupils from the nearby Lilleshall Primary School, who got a chance to hug the oldest tree at the centre before planting the newest batch of ...