Cuando los republicanos buscan un villano político, señalan al megadonante liberal George Soros. Los demócratas ...
MADISON, Wis. -- When Republicans are looking for a political bogeyman, they point to liberal megadonor George Soros.
Brendan Carr accused the San Francisco radio station KCBS of putting federal agents' lives in danger with its reporting last month.
ICE listed Dane County as a jurisdiction that ... which received $1 million from George Soros in January before then sending $2 million to Crawford and various liberal activist groups. has taken millions of dollars from George Soros and his Open Society Policy ... of U.S. Immigration and Customes Enforcement (ICE) while promoting individuals who want to abolish ...
Vice President Kamala Harris frequently touted her prosecutorial bona fides on the campaign trail, probably sensing political peril in boosting her prior support for soft-on-crime policies.
However, Carr didn’t name a single Democratic official who’s called for violence — or even unlawful interference — in ICE activities ... megadonor George Soros — a liberal benefactor ...