If the bill passes the House, it would end courier services that have come under scrutiny after recent Texas Lottery wins.
Couriers take orders online, purchase lottery tickets from a retailer and send a scanned copy to the buyer for a fee.
A man from Malta. A London-based betting company. The Texas Rangers. Here’s everything to know about the controversy.
Allegations of cheating and a new lawsuit have lawmakers in Austin considering something a lot of people across Texas may not ...
Texas Lottery commissioner Clark Smith resigned on Friday after controversial lottery wins through third-party services.
A Texas Lottery commissioner has resigned his post just days after the Texas Lottery came under the microscope of state ...
Senate Bill 28 would make it a crime to purchase or sell Texas lottery tickets online or through a mobile app. The Texas ...
Abbott's office announced the investigation in a news release Monday, just hours after the Texas Lottery Commission declared ...