The Bratislava protest, which attracted an estimated 60 000 people, was one of the largest rallies since the 1989 Velvet ...
Slovak President Peter Pellegrini addressed the Prime Minister with a request to convene the Slovak Security Council. The Head of State announced that he would personally attend the meeting of the ...
Pre zobrazenie videa je potrebné povoliť JavaScript. Student Samuel, accused in last week's tragedy at the Spišská Stará Ves gymnasium, has filed a complaint against his detention. The Supreme Court ...
The civic initiative Not in Our Town reacted to Prime Minister Robert Fico's statements about an allegedly secret SIS report mentioning the opposition's plans to blockade roads and government ...
Branislav Zurian, director of the Office of Inspection Service (OIS), said this after Tuesday's meeting of the National Council Committee for Defence and Security, which was in classified mode.
Pre zobrazenie videa je potrebné povoliť JavaScript. Donald Trump has moved back into the White House after a four-year hiatus. He took the oath of office and officially became the 47th President of ...
V NBA na seba narazili špičkové kluby z oboch konferencií - Boston Celtics z Východnej a Houston Rockets zo Západnej.
Ešte pred odletom Slovana sa ta3 rozprávala aj s jeho generálnym riaditeľom, Ivanom Kmotríkom mladším, najmä o dvoch hráčoch ...
Francúzske Bretónsko čelí po búrke Herminia najhorším záplavám za 40 rokov. V Írsku medzitým po piatkovej rekordne silnej ...
Koalícia sa správa ako manželia pred rozvodom, tvrdí Mesterová. Glück pripustil predčasné voľby, Smer je vraj pripravený ...
Parížske múzeum Louvre čaká rekonštrukcia. Známy obraz Mony Lisy bude v špeciálnej miestnosti. Plán renovácie predstavil ...