The objective of the Lazard Defensive Australian Equity managed fund is Over an investment cycle; the Fund seeks to achieve: reduced exposure to S&P/ASX200 Accumulation Index ('the benchmark') ...
The Fund aims to outperform the S&P/ASX Small Ordinaries Accumulation Index net of fees over a rolling five year period. NOTE: Fee data has been provided by Morningstar, it may not include all costs ...
What is the objective of the Lazard Global Equity Franchise S managed fund? The objective of the Lazard Global Equity Franchise S managed fund is The Fund seeks to achieve total returns (including ...
What is the objective of the Milford Australian Absolute Growth Wholesale managed fund? The objective of the Milford Australian Absolute Growth Wholesale managed fund is The Fund's objective is to ...
What is the objective of the Stewart Investors Worldwide Leaders Sustainability managed fund? The objective of the Stewart Investors Worldwide Leaders Sustainability managed fund is To achieve ...
What is the objective of the Australian Equities Extension Fund managed fund? The objective of the Australian Equities Extension Fund managed fund is The Fund aims to provide investors with a total ...
The objective of the Mercer Indexed International Shares managed fund is To provide long term capital growth from a diversified portfolio of international shares with a total investment return (before ...
What is the objective of the AMP - Flexible Lifetime Investments - S2 - Specialist Australian Shares managed fund? The objective of the AMP - Flexible Lifetime Investments - S2 - Specialist Australian ...
What is the objective of the Mercer Conservative Growth Active Units managed fund? The objective of the Mercer Conservative Growth Active Units managed fund is To achieve a return that exceeds CPI ...
The Trust's Investment Objective is to provide monthly cash income, low risk of capital loss and portfolio diversification by actively managing diversified loan portfolios and participating in ...