Most of the game’s unlockables come from collecting the Scarabs that are scattered around the various levels and bringing them to Muramasa. Otherwise, players can beat Ninja Gaiden Black on the ...
Chapter 1 of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black will throw players right into a fight in front of 'Muramasa's.' Here, you'll fight against a couple of enemies while you learn the ins and outs of combat ...
During Ninja Gaiden 2 Black chapter twelve chapter ... including where to find Muramasa Statues, hidden chests, and new weapons. Earth Dragon Statue #1 As soon as the cutscene ends move forward ...
During chapter 16 of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, you'll go deeper into ... To the left, you'll see a Muramasa Statue, use it to buy any consumables you might have used during Volf's boss fight.