After incredible chemistry between Hugh Jackman and Dafne Keen in both Logan and Deadpool 3, there is hope for the characters ...
One legendary squabble saw John Byrne use Wolverine's death in "Days of Future Past" to maintain his vision of the character's skeleton. Byrne's departure allowed for future retconning ...
Ultimate Wolverine #1 is here, kicking off the first new ongoing title of the second year of the reborn Ultimate Universe. And as advertised, the new Ultimate Wolverine is also the Ultimate Winter ...
even in his "mortal" state and hearing that his death is imminent, Wolverine finds that his rage and savagery do not diminish but rather ignite with a white-hot fury more intense than before.
Want another take on Logan’s final stand? Then check out Death of Wolverine, the 2014 event series by writer Charles Soule and artist Steve McNiven. Death of Wolverine takes place after a ...
It finds Wolverine boarding a ship that’s setting out for the Strait of Gibraltar. A group of refugees are trying to gain safe transport out of their region after Magneto’s death knocked out ...
Check out Deadpool/Wolverine #2 as Marvel's favorite healing factor buddies uncover ancient mysteries and face off against ...
You know it was a whirlwind year of comics when the death of Wolverine is just the tip of the iceberg. Aside from that heart-breaking mini-series, we got the debut of the epic crime saga United ...
That news prompts Deadpool to steal Paradox's TemPad and use it to find a Wolverine to help him save the world... seeing as the death of "anchor being" Logan is the cause of his world's deterioration.