Think about it. If you were born before 1984, when you were a first-grader, the best seat in Yankee Stadium cost less than $12. You and your dad could sit by the field for $25. People pay fortunes ...
Here's how to get the cheapest prices and best deals ... Rod Stewart at Yankee Stadium in The Bronx on July 18. The home of the Yankees can hold up to 50,000+ people. Tickets are available ...
Vivid Seats is the New York Post's official ticketing ... as the only artist to have headlined at the old Yankee Stadium — the final game of which was played in September 2008 — and the ...
Billy Joel and Rod Stewart are teaming up for a special one-night-only performance at Yankee Stadium in the Bronx on July 18. Billy Joel, a Bronx native, will make his long-awaited return to the ...