Canada geese are typically herded off of lakes during their flightless feather-molting period in June. In the past they've then been relocated.
Now the feathers are really starting to fly in the trade war. A bald eagle was captured on film doing battle with a sickly, ...
Quincy Police Sgt. Patrick Faherty said investigators have viewed a photograph of a goose with fish netting wrapped around ...
Lululemon leggings won’t cost more, but Canada Goose parkas might. The U.S. tariffs on Canada—now partly on hold for a ...
An Ontario photographer took this photo of a Canada goose fighting off a bald eagle. Many people say it’s symbolic of ...
A photographer was out with his family on a winter morning when he spotted the dramatic encounter between the two birds ...
The first Canada Goose of the year has been spotted at Oak Hammock Marsh, marking an exciting moment for bird enthusiasts and ...
Mervyn Sequeira, a 74-year-old photographer based out of Ontario, captured a series of incredible photos of this bird battle ...
A Canadian photographer captured a gripping encounter between a bald eagle and a Canada goose on a frozen lake. The goose ...
In explaining the proposed regular-season, one-goose limit within the Atlantic Population, Game Commission biologists say the ...
Lululemon LULU-3.08%decrease; red down pointing triangle leggings won’t cost more, but Canada Goose GOOS-2.82%decrease; red down pointing triangle parkas might. The U.S. tariffs on Canada—now ...